Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Photo Peach: Thanksgiving

         I believe that when students engage in hands-on activities they are better able to recall what they have been taught.  One of the highlights of our Thanksgiving lessons was making the fun arts and crafts.  The activities that I used were not my original idea.  Instead,  I found them on Pinterest and pinned them to my Thanksgiving board.  My goal with each project was to reinforce the events of the first thanksgiving and the importance of being thankful.  Three activities that I think the children enjoyed the most were making Tom Turkey disguised as Pigeon, the First Thanksgiving Fact Pumpkin, and the Thankful Pie.  The students seemed to enjoy making them and they especially liked that they were able to be creative. 

     To showcase our activities I made a Photo Peach video of the students' work.  Click here to view our video.
First Thanksgiving Fact Pumpkin
Tom Turkey
Thankful Pie

Voicethread: Five Kernels of Corn

    The Thanksgiving survey was very helpful in informing me of what my students knew about Thanksgiving.  I learned that many of them felt that Thanksgiving was mainly about eating turkey and other delicious foods.  I wanted to put more emphasis on being thankful and what happened with the Native Americans and Pilgrims long ago. 

      So, I selected and realistic fiction story entitled "Mary's First Thanksgiving" which is about a young girl and her family.  They had just moved to America and were very poor.  Mary didn't feel that she had anything to be thankful for until her father shared the first Thanksgiving story and the legend of the five kernels of corn.

     Afterwards I had my students write about five things that the were most important and why.  Each student recorded their responses found in our voice thread entitled Five Kernels of Corn.  The students enjoyed this activity and were very excited about sharing it with other classes.  We hope to receive some comments.

Mosaic Picture of Adjective Acrostic Poems

    Last week my students learned about adjectives. They learned that an adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun.  I thought it would be more meaningful to the students if they could use adjectives to describe themselves.  So I taught them how to use their names to create an acrostic poem.  After they made their poems with adjectives that described themselves then the students chose either pattern a heart, diamond or oval shape pattern to color and frame their poem. 
   The mosaic image is a display of all of my students acrostic poems which turned out beautifully 

Tagxedo for Thanksgiving

     One of the activities that I chose to do with my class for Thanksgiving was a Tagxedo image.  The children thought of things that they were thankful for and listed them
     Each word was written as a slice on their "Thankful pie"Then we made the Tagxedo image using all of the words from all of the pies.  It turned out magnificently and the children enjoyed creating it.  We chose a hand image because it reminded us of how helpful the Native Americans were towards the Pilgrims as well as the importance of working together to be successful.